1.As a Chicha stadium was once famous wrestling master, Hao Cheng Guang this point is very clear: no fewer than FireWire minor injuries.
2.Up to 1022 FireWire buses can be bridged together providing enormous capacity.
3.In October 2008, Apple created quite a stir when it removed Firewire connectivity from its new line of MacBooks.
4.Once you connect a USB or FireWire printer, you should be able to choose it in the Print dialog when you print a document.
5.The Boot Camp control panel also lets you start up your computer in Target Disk Mode to use it as an external FireWire disk.
6.An angry "Apple fan" took it upon himself to email Jobs and criticize Apple's decision to wean its consumer products off of Firewire.
7.So, you know, we have a FireWire camera, it looked at an infrared pointer.
8.past old buildings there is no ground wire, and only single-phase AC electric zero-line and FireWire, using two socket holes.
9.FireWire protocol (IEEE1394) ensures data synchronization for the printing register control.
10.Video Seminar Live Products also work with firewire connected DV cameras (digital video cameras).